City Finances

A Quick Guide to the City of Berkeley’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget

Below are some key highlights from the city’s Fiscal Year 2023 & 2024 Budget Book and Capital Improvement Program. I hope this can answer some of the questions you may have about our local government’s fiscal priorities.

How much is the city spending on…

Community Agencies?

  • $24,262,329 total in General Funds, Federal Funds, and other funds
  • $13,049,321 for Homeless Services
  • $586,652 for Arts
  • $1,070,567 for Youth
  • $1,832,876 for Disability Programs

Parks, Recreation and Waterfront? 

  • $53,378,913 proposed for the department
  • $515,629 for West Campus Swim Center
  • $500,000 for Aquatic Park Tide Tube Cleanout Phase 1 from Measure T1
  • $1,200,000 for Berkeley Marina Pilings Replacement from Measure T1
  • $350,000 for South Sailing Basin Dredging
  • Unfunded Waterfront capital costs: $130,867,000

Public Works?

  • $203,608,562 proposed for the department
  • $1,300,000 for installation of Public Safety Security Cameras
  • $950,000 for Parker to Addison Bikeway
  • $300,120 for ADA building improvements
  • $9,719,926  for Southside Complete Streets
  • $415,000 for a new street cleaning crew
  • $100,000 to develop long-term paving plan 
  • $200,000 for a Streetlight Master Plan
  • $12,000,000 for Construction of Underground Utility District #48 (Grizzly Peak)

Public Safety?

  • $87,444,720 for Police
    • $44,542,261 for Patrol
    • $9,416,937 for Detectives
    • $7,964,583 for Traffic and Parking Enforcement
    • $1,156,081 for Policy and Audits
  • $1,113,102 from the General Fund for the Office the Director of Police Accountability
  • $63,377,259 for Fire
    • $18,564,969 for Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
    • $2,264,791 for Fire Prevention
    • $1,000,000 for Vegetation Management from Measure FF
    • $3,000,000 for Wildfire Safety and Public Education Program from Measure FF
  • $487,504 for portable radio replacement (Police and Fire)

The City’s unfunded capital needs have increased over the years and is anticipated to reach a five-year total of around $1.65 billion from FY 2023 to FY 2027.