Councilmember Taplin Proposes West Berkeley Traffic Calming Budget Referrals

February 22, 2021

BERKELEY, CA — City Councilmember Terry Taplin has introduced two budget referrals to implement long-overdue traffic calming measures on “High-Injury” streets in West Berkeley. One budget referral targets the intersection of Sixth Street and Addison Street for the addition of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons to enhance pedestrian safety and calm an intersection of Berkeley notorious for regular traffic violations, accidents, and serious injuries.

Co-sponsored by Mayor Jesse Arreguín, Councilmember Taplin’s second budget referral proposes traffic calming infrastructures along a highly trafficked stretch of Tenth Street between University Avenue and Allston Way. As the home of George Florence Park, the West Berkeley YMCA/Head Start, and Rosa Parks Elementary School, this segment of Tenth Street is popular for pedestrians and cyclists of all ages. Unfortunately, this street’s proximity to busy University and San Pablo Avenues brings unsafe levels of car and truck traffic as well. Councilmember Taplin proposes additional signage, speed tables, crosswalk repainting, and bulb-outs to calm traffic and maximize pedestrian and cyclist safety. 

“West Berkeley streets have long been dangerous and unreliable for pedestrians and cyclists, said Councilmember Terry Taplin (District 2). “The City of Berkeley must take aggressive action on traffic calming and pedestrian safety if we are to meet our goals established by Vision Zero, the Pedestrian Plan, and the Bicycle Plan.”
